Stuart Sayger
Stuart Sayger is known for his dark and dramatic painterly art style and having worked for most major comics publishers. Projects Include: "The Joker", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", "Alice Cooper", "Red Sonja", "G.I.Joe", "Conan", "The Walking Dead", "Transformers", "Dejah Thoris", and more!
Sayger is known internationally for a two-year run drawing "Bionicle Ignition" for LEGO and DC Comics, as well as 27 consecutive covers for "KISS". (the Gene Simmons rock band)
Sayger is especially known for his work on horror comics including: "Army of Darkness", "Vampirella", "Jeepers Creepers", "Reanimator", "Krampus" and his creator owned comic, "Shiver in the Dark". Stop by Sayger's table to see him making art live throughout the show!